The house is not perfect, some leakage here and there still, haven't been settled but we still like the house. Not only because it's a bigger place for a bigger family now, but more importantly every inch of our own effort from concept, execution to reality... It's like a dream come true in certain extend :-P
The other day our previous landlord said Bukit Mas has brought us many blessing and we have 3 children since we stay, and I thought it's true. God uses a good place to bless His people, and I believe we are blessed because we invite Him to not only the house, but also to the home.
Therefore, I believe our new place of stay will continue to prosper us and be blessed by God, because the very same wonderful and merciful God is with us, whichever place we stay.
Same goes to Metro, I believe we will be blessed not because we are in the bigger hall or place, but the very same God that dwells with His people wherever we moved.
Glory to His name ! and Thankful :- )