Thursday, 30 October 2008

It's 10,000... ha!

Hello, hello, "beng you" 10,000 visits liao lah !
Hurray! Thank you for splendid support !
我们有 10,000人啦! "呼瑞"
.... 恭喜你们(& 我们), 谢谢你们的支持!

:- )

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Wonderful Cross :- Michael W. Smith

我自己在想, 希望有一天, 我们也能有这样的敬拜素质, 必能吸引更多的青年人来敬拜神!
我知道, 这并不是追求虚名或人的荣耀, 乃是在求进步.
因为神的教会与事工, 也应该像身体一样, 应该是有成长的.

好, 求上帝帮助我们吧!

:- )

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Are you a Christian or Christ-Follower ?

You may not seen this before, it's series of popular TV & Net TV commercial for years in US, from Apple Computer (now call Apple Inc), comparing Mac & Windows(PC). Now the idea has been re-made into now this is a Christian and Christ-Follower version. Enjoy!

Well it is absolutely the best thing to read more especially the bible.... but on the other hand, walk the talk and do what we've learned from the Word is more important. I like the part "Follow Christ the way I live my life..."

Well, Christian were called as they were original because they are seems to be "Christ Follower" or "People Who Live Like Christ". Just that the word "Christian" is becoming more like a noun, a group name or an organization rather than the actual reason they were called that way. Our life style should project Christ image.

I'd like to be called Christ-follower rather than Christian :- )

God bless you, Christ-Follower.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008





+ , - , x , ÷

大家可别误会, 我不是在骂脏话哦…. 而是前几天, 读了一篇短篇, 觉得满有意思的, 在这里想和大家一起分享.

作者说到, 庸庸碌碌的人们, 所有人生的追求, 都能以四个符号来概括. 什么符号呢? 就是加 (+), 减(-), 乘(x), 除(÷).

里头的内容大至说到每个工作者, 都希望自己的薪金, 利润当然是加加加…, 繁重的工作量当然是减减减…. 什么是呢? 作者说... 狂想一下, 最好升级乘倍! 一连三级跳. 尽快的升到最高级. 那呢?? 因这作者的工作是位作家, 那他“”了当作家, 他还能干什么呢??

作者又问, 那作为基督徒的, 会怎样看这加 (+), 减(-), 乘(x), 除(÷)? 当然希望恩膏会加添, 服事减少, 财富乘倍, 除去不喜欢的会众. 作者说, 可是 “狂想”归 “狂想”, 一位牧师却告诫说 : “加! 感恩心要加倍! 减, 对人生不如意事的埋怨要减少; 乘呢? 信靠主的信心要乘! 除呢? 该除去, 是烦恼.”

最后作者的结论是 : 活着要感恩, 遇事不埋怨, 信心加倍, 除去烦忧.

使徒保罗说得好 : “我知道怎样处卑贱, 也知道怎样处丰富 : 或饱足, 或饥饿; 或有余, 或缺乏, 随时随在, 我都得了秘诀.” (腓立比书 4:12)



My Car was Found

A month ago, someone stole my car. Today, a police officer called me and told me that my car was found. Praise the Lord. The time when I received the call, I was supposed to be in the class. Thank God that I did not have class today. Otherwise, I would not able to receive the call and would have to pay extra $300 for the car to put in police department’s store. (legal gangster)

During the first week, I had hope that my car would be found. However, week after week, information after information (cars were stolen and could not find, even if they were found, the parts would be gone), I lost my hope. Nevertheless, I did not lose my faith in God. I kept on praying to God to have His way. I prayed that my car would be found, but I did not have enough faith. I prayed to God “God, I know that if my car was not found, then I know You will give me another one, and I don’t have to worry about the money.” God is always faithful to those who have faith in Him. Thousand and million praises to God.

Faithful is he that called you, who also will do it.

1 Thessalonians 5:24

Ai Chin

Friday, 17 October 2008

what a friend we have in JESUS

i have a few favourites of christian hymns. one of them......

what a friend we have in JESUS, all our sins and griefs to bear,
what a privilege to carry, everything to GOD in prayer.

o what peace we often forfeit, o what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry, everything to GOD in prayer.

have we trials and temptations? is there trouble anywhere?
we should never be discouraged, take it to the LORD in prayer.

can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share,
JESUS knows our every weakness, take it to the LORD in prayer.

are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
precious SAVIOUR still our refuge, take it to the LORD in prayer.

do thy friends despise forsake thee, take it to the LORD in prayer,
in his arms HE'll take and shield thee, thou wilt find a solace there.

try this my dear friends.....
if you know the melody line of this song.....
sing it aloud.....
sing it as a prayer......
it will remind and assure us that we will always have JESUS as our friend.....

Friday, 10 October 2008

Daily Bread 10-Oct-2008

我觉得今天的灵命日粮很有鼓励性, 尤其是笔者的态度真的是"no block" (没得顶) !
:- )

傑瑞米·泰勒(Jeremy Taylor)是17世紀的英國牧師,他因為信仰而受到很大的逼迫。但是即使他的房子被洗劫,家人陷於貧困狀態,財產被沒收,他仍然數算那不能失去的恩典。




Monday, 6 October 2008

God is always good....

Remember, about 2 months ago, I wrote that we need to learn to praise our God even bad things happen. Theorically, I have learned and understood. Practically, I am learning it now. Between few months I lost almost 50% of my student. And two weeks ago, my car was stolen at school. The moment that I noticed my car was stolen, I was really sad; however, I had peace in my heart. Honestly, I am really sad. I lost my students; I have barely enough to support my living expenses. Now, I lost my car. What can I do? I am not willing to use any extra money from my sister, besides my tuition fees. However, I did not ask God why all these happened. All I can do is to surrender myself to God and put all my trust on Him.

God is really good to me. He prepares everything before all these happen. First, He prepares my heart and faith to trust Him at this very moment. Second, He prepares a car for me. My friend, who lives in campus just bought a car a month ago, is not using her car during weekday. She allows me to use her car. Third, God lets one of my Saturday student stop learning because He knows that I am going to loose my car, and I do not have to worry about no transportation going to her place.

In addition, I have learned that I am really blessed by God comparing to others. At least, I still have money to pay for my tuition fees. My friend, he does not even have money to pay for his tuition fees. He needs to work for few semesters before he can go back to school. Not patting myself at my back. One of my students’ mothers told me that she was encouraged by my faith to God. God is always good.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Ai Chin