Tuesday, 6 November 2007


{我的心哪,你为何忧闷,为何在我里面烦躁。应当仰望神。因他笑脸帮助我,我还要称赞他。} (诗42:5)


凱納和同事李安•哈克做過一項著名的研究,他指出,雖然有些人天性樂觀,有助他們出人頭地;但其實經過指導,學習真心微笑的方法,人生也可以變得更快樂。凱納說:「根據研究,快樂的關鍵在於人際關係。笑有助人與人相處,所以非常重要。」{他还要以喜笑充满你的口,以欢呼充满你的嘴。} (伯 8:21)

展露笑顏,不只幫我們結識朋友,腦部還會因應變換化學物質,叫人心情更好。笑對快樂與否以及人際關係都舉足輕重;因此,不能笑的人生活上往往遇到不少障礙。{心中喜乐,面带笑容。心里忧愁,灵被损伤。} (箴15:13)

「笑吧,全世界將與你一同歡笑」、「笑逐顏開能夠撥雲見日」。這就是笑的力量。可见笑是具有那么大的神奇魔力,令人生更美妙。{我们满口喜笑,满舌欢呼的时候,外邦中就有人说,耶和华为他们行了大事。} (诗 126:2)


su said...

thanks chii for the article. though my interpreter has not read the contents to me but i recognised the heading. the strength of laughing rite?we just talked bout this matter on our way to work this morning.at this age, we tend to laugh lesser compared to our college days. so, ha! ha! ha!

James said...

Oh ya, absolutely agree. I can "xiao" a lot sometimes (not the Hokkian xiao). I noticed that can really lighten my pressure of life, and makes me forget to say out the word "Pressure".

You know, one of the way to kill pressure, I think, is not to mention the word "Pressure" often. I noticed laughters also make that possible.

S.F.Chan said...

Smile :) Xiao is one part challenging of our life. Especially facing difficult or "spicy hand" thing. I'm still learning how to Smile against my Life.

Thanks for your article :) :)

Skywalker Anakin said...

Is realy a joy to read this article. Is a reminder to myself to relax and enjoy life as it is.
Have fun with life as well!