Tuesday, 13 November 2007


弟兄姐妹, 当我看过了这短片后, 我哭了, 我心充满了好多的感触, 他父亲就是这样无条件的付出爱与关怀给予他的儿子. 若不是藉着神, 我相信我们所付出的爱将会是有限的. 感谢神, 我们可以藉着他, 去更加付出我们的爱给予他人. 求主帮助我们更加的去爱我们身边的人吧.


James said...

Cassandra said : "After I watch this, I'm happy. I'm happy for the song, and I'm happy I have hands & legs."

It was an amazing moment for this video for our family, we all watch this together at night. It was stunning for me, and for Chii & even to Cassandra as young as 4 1/2.

The song is right, I can only imagine that I am as strong as the father. But I'm glad that in my weakness, my Godly Father shows His glory !

Skywalker Anakin said...

Amazing Story. It's really touch my heart to what a loving father can do for his son. Love has no limit or border that it wil always look for other's benefits. It's really speaks about a spearless love that our heavanly father has.