Monday, 31 December 2007
經過了 你的窗前 一張憔悴的臉
留下了 我的安慰 盼望你會發現
而你的心 卻依然在徘徊
你投遞了 你的眼淚 寄向無垠天邊
我留下了 我的眼淚 凝成繁星點點
每夜等你抬頭 望著你的眼
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Wonderful Carols and Miracles . . .

I think miracle is a group of some 30+ carolers, young and old, after months of practices and training and life style adjustment, would rush back home from a hard day work then meet up together, knowing that they are not able claim any wages or petrol, still would travel across town and sing to many unknown residents. But yet they continue to do so!
Miracle is group of some 30+ carolers, knowing that they would sing to mostly strangers, where most of them would not pay attention to the songs & sharing, still they are singing about a God that is REAL, but maybe none of them has a physical contact with God before. But yet they continue to do so!
Miracle is group of some 30+ carolers, singing and telling a TRUE historical event / story that has happened at least 2,000 years ago, even though it's so difficult to prove to the strangers of the stories, but yet continue to do so!
That I think, is a miracle from God! This December, it's a Miraculous Christmas after all :- )
'有你真好' 圣诞节报佳音活动
教会所举办的三天报佳音活动终于圆满的结束了, Yeah...感谢神在每一天的活动都与我们同在并赐给我们有很好的天气. 很感谢为我们开放家庭的弟兄姐妹们, 藉着他们的邀请, 我们才有这荣幸及机会向外传扬主耶稣诞生的美好喜讯. 感谢神看到每家的主人都邀请了很多他们的亲朋好友前来府上一起与我们欢庆和赞扬我们的上帝. 看到他们脸上的笑容, 可见他们也很开心及喜乐.
在此要非常感谢这一班付出了很多精神, 精力, 睡眠及牺牲了他们宝贵时间的弟兄姐妹们, 因他们付出了很多时间在练唱, 以及在每一堂的练习都非常的配合, 可见他们非常认真的为主而作, 感谢主有这一班忠心服侍的弟兄姐妹, 哈利路亚.
也感谢主赐给我们每天的活动都有很好的气氛, 无论是参与的弟兄姐妹或是开放家庭的主人及亲朋好友们, 看到大家都很融洽的涌入在一起, 实在很难得. 总的来说大家聚在一起的感觉真好, 因大家都是为着一个同样的目标而作, 就是把美好的消息给传扬出去. 看到大家一起以同声同气, 同心合一的心来欢唱赞美我们的上帝时, 心里真的充满了很多感触.
最后要再次谢谢你们的参与, 支持, 鼓励及每一天都准时的抵达教会, 好让我们的报佳音活动可以顺利的顺着我们已安排好的时间抵达每一个开放的家庭以及整个程序都能够很顺畅的进行, 感谢主. 在此把一切的尊贵, 荣耀, 赞美都归于我们在天上的父, 阿们.
Saturday, 22 December 2007
It's all about the Cross-Christmas
Verse 1:
It's not just about the manger
Where the baby lay
It's not all about the angels
Who sang for him that day
It's not just about the shepherds
Or the bright and shining star
It's not all about the wisemen
Who travelled from afar
It's about the cross
It's about my sin
It's about how Jesus came to be born once
So that we could be born again
It's about the stone
That was rolled away
So that you and I could have real life someday
It's about the cross
It's about the cross
Verse 2:
It's not just about the presents
Underneath the tree
It's not all about the feeling
That the season brings to me
It's not just about coming home
To be with those you love
It's not all about the beauty
In the snow I'm dreaming of
The beginning of the story is wonderful and great
But it's the ending that can save you and that's why we celebrate
It's about the cross
It's about my sin
It's about how Jesus came to be born once
So that we could be born again
It's about God's love
Nailed to a tree
It's about every drop of blood that flowed from Him when it should have been me
It's about the stone
That was rolled away
So that you and I could have real life someday
So that you and I could have real life someday
It's about the cross
It's about the cross
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Thanks Giving Week

Christmas season-- great sale--shopping, open house--eating? holiday--sleeping? What will you do?
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was born for him, for her, for you, and for me. Today, we are celebrating Christmas. Do we remember that we are celebrating Jesus’s Birthday? Or, we are so ‘holy’, we are busying to share the good news to others? Give thanks to God during this Christmas season.
”Glory to the most high” I have been in the United States for two years and three months. Not one day God is not with me. Everyday, God is there for me; He is earlier than I am. Studying and working, serving and receiving, and relationship with family and friends, God is there for me.
Having the word that God gave me through Pastor Ong, I am dare to say " I am the blessed one". God says ,"Because you have step out with your faith, I am going to honor your faith." I keep this on my heart everyday, every hour, every minute, and every second. I dare not say that I have great faith in God, but I am very sure as long as I walk on the path that God has provided for me I will be 101% safe.
Few days ago, I had a chance to talk to a friend. Through our conversation, I felt deeper in my heart that my scholarship from my school and fund from a church are a great blessing from God. Without God's great power, I will not get all these.
Last week, I had five exams in three days. I was very nervous and depressed because I needed to keep a good GPA. I could not do anything other than trusting in God and studying. I claimed God's words everyday before I started my studying and exams. This gave me a relax exam week. One more time, “Glory to the most high” I got 5 As and one HUGE ‘C’ hehe,,,, (guess what? It is Christian doctrine that I got a C. malu LoL)
Ok, back to serious. Recently, I had been facing relationship problems. God put two no result relationship problems in my life. One hurt me deeply, but one was not. During this period, I was really down. I asked God why He allowed these happened to me. I felt that I was treated unfairly. I talked to God that one case was enough. Why two? I was kinda angry with God, but I dared not. However, I was having cold war with God, I rejected to pray and ask God to take away the hurt. I rejected to receive the healing from Him. GOD WON. Through sharing with friends, I had the answer. They were test, which allowed me to advance to the next grade of my spiritual life class. The most awesome was the night that I decided not to allow myself to live in the pity party world, God said to me, “Stand up, and raise your head because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28.
P/S miss you’ll very much,,,,and love you’ll always
Ai-chin (杨爱晶)
Saturday, 15 December 2007
Christ 原来就是基督耶稣,曾经大约两千年前,降生在人的历史里,过了短短的33年半的岁月,就被钉死十字架上,拯救世人的罪,使人藉他得救。这我相信你听过吧!但是你又知道不知道他的诞生又遭受当时的最高权力的人猛烈的追杀。根据圣经所说,当时的王就是希律王,听说有一个犹太人的王要诞生在犹大的伯利恒城里。这王深深的感受到身份地位受到威胁,所以他想尽办法要赶尽杀绝,要把这将来的犹太人王干掉。起先有东方博士来到耶路撒冷寻找耶稣,他们是要来朝拜他,但是希律王召博士来叫他们找到耶稣时,要来通知他,好让希律王也来拜他,其实,希律是要除掉这心腹之患,让他可以心安理得。所幸博士在梦中被主指示不要去见希律,即他们就从别的路回去了。希律见自己被博士愚弄后,大发雷霆,一气之下,既然将伯利恒城内外两岁以下的婴孩杀尽。好一个暴君!请问你有没有感受到当时每一个死婴的父母的悲哀,请问你有没有听见当时街头巷尾每一家都有号啕大哭, 每家都在沮丧哀吊,没有人来安慰,因家家都在办丧事。这就应验了大约2500年前耶利米先知所预言的:在拉玛听见号啕大哭的声音,拉结哭她儿女,不肯受安慰,因为他们都不在了。(耶31:15).在这时候,神奇的一件事就是,堂堂的一个罗马帝国君王竟然杀不死一位小小的婴孩。上帝保守了耶稣基督,向其父约瑟梦中显现,叫他们逃往埃及,直到希律死后,才回到加利利。
Thursday, 13 December 2007
荣美的救主 Beautiful Sa... |
从天那端 开始蔓延
Saturday, 8 December 2007
The Candy Cane拐棍糖

The candy cane is formed into a "J" to represent the precious name of Jesus. It can also represent the staff of the Good Shepherd. Its hard consistency represents the Solid Rock, the foundation of the church, and the firmness of the promises of God.
王菀之 : 「我以基督為傲!」 生命影響生命 (完结篇)

Q : 你信了耶穌後,生命可有改變?
A :「我在基督教家庭出生,所以我由小到大都是信耶穌的。試過因為懶惰,沒去親近神,以致與神的關係愈來愈遠;但就未試過由不信變為相信;因為我從小就相信。現在工作真的很忙,為了逼自己返教會,我曾當過一年多的司琴,但當司琴也得認真,不能『甩底』的,否則會影響敬拜,所以後來也放棄了,與神也愈來愈疏遠,到自己有工作壓力,愈來愈煩躁,我才意識到自己需要神。感謝神,我身邊的基督徒會在有需要時為我祈禱。其實我自己也未停止過祈禱,只是在禱告中,未必都願意向上帝敞開心靈!有時,我甚至會避開上帝,明知自己做錯了,卻故意迴避,不向神說,不將煩惱交託給神,不相信神會幫助我解決問題、勝過問題,我只是表面在祈禱,但心門卻關上,拒絕讓上帝幫助;到我最不開心、最多挫折的時候,我打開心門,真的把自己的重擔和不開心,一一誠實地告訴上帝,這時,便經歷到神聽禱告、神的同在!」
Q : 你願意神今後如何使用你?
A :「我也很想知道我這個人可以有甚麼貢獻!(笑)我希望在愈來愈多人認同自己、愈來愈多人願意聽自己說話的同時,我也有愈來愈多的機會將福音傳揚開去!」
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
王菀之 - 重見家圓(2007 向生命致敬院線 主題曲)
看见家园 (向生命致敬院線 主題曲)... |
鬧市之中 充滿耀眼的霓虹 照不穿心底一片空
靜悄的風 吹過落泊的倦容 像低聲說著 我的心很痛
在這屋內 只見恨怨的裂縫 愛彷彿消失磚瓦中
萬里天地 可會遇見一面容 令心窩熾熱再不冰凍
然後在某天 多驚喜的那天
我在深淵裡找到你 毋用在黑夜留連
全賴你的出現 不再埋怨孤單
不再自憐 伴著我一生不變遷
在這屋內 相見但卻不說話 我的家怎麼不似家
望向窗外 只見倦透的落霞 哪一天我們再不需吵架
然後在某天 多驚喜的那天
我在深淵裡找到你 毋用在黑夜留連
全賴你的出現 不再埋怨孤單 不再自憐
興奮未能言 一生都給改變
多驚喜的哪天 往日遭擊碎的破鏡 能在今日重圓
重拾愛的希望 流浪的心終見到 家的溫暖教我眷戀
Monday, 3 December 2007
王菀之 : 「我以基督為傲!」 生命影響生命

To be continue....